The United States is the largest manufacturer, importer and recycling of aluminum in the world. Its aluminum industry produces 6 million tons of primary aluminum, so that the largest U.S. producer of primary aluminum in the world. The country consumes 12 million tons of aluminum per year. The high demand for lightweight, high strength aluminum and recyclable metal allows a crucial role in the economy of the United States to play. Aluminum has a significant presence in heavy industrySectors such as infrastructure, transportation, aerospace, packaging, defense and construction.
Energy demand in the aluminum industry
How many production processes of metals, aluminum production relies heavily on energy. The production of primary aluminum, for example, relies heavily on the electrolytic process, which is very energy intensive. According to a survey on the consumption of energy production (MECS), the aluminum industry United States consumes more than 800 trillion Btu of energy eachYear, including losses of electricity. This amount is equivalent to just over 1% of total energy consumption and 3% of all energy used in the manufacturing country.
Rising costs and difficulties in obtaining fossil fuels and the need to keep emissions of greenhouse gases under control, have cast serious doubts on the overall competitiveness of the aluminum industry in the U.S. In recent years, therefore, an active movement on the part of 'to see industry to contain costs and improve the overall efficiency ofEnergy consumption. Fortunately, technological progress and the use of aluminum recycling industry have allowed the country to reduce its energy demand more than two.
In an attempt to further reduce energy consumption in the industry, promotes the Energy Information Administration (EIA) aluminum producers a range of energy management initiatives to be undertaken, including energy audits, control of electrical load, the purchase of the power under special rate schedules and others. A total of 68%Companies in the sector reported involvement in at least one energy management activities in recent times. But these power-saving methods are appropriate? Obviously it can be done on energy efficiency transformers focus.
Can energy-efficient transformers reduce the energy demand in the aluminum industry?
The transformers are the link between production and consumption of energy. They have their exits and step downstream, as there are hundreds, even thousands of miles of driving. A significantAmount of energy lost during transmission is determined by age and condition of the transformer.
Standard transformers are working with 90% to 95% efficiency at full load and its efficiency is reduced at low load. This is due to inefficiencies in the transformer core. Unfortunately, the average transformer loads between 34% and 50% of the ability to perform transformer. With most of the electricity consumed in the United States goes through transformers at these lower pressures, large amounts of energyis lost each year.
These transformers are low efficiency in the aluminum industry, and found a way for millions of BTUs of energy each year, to save the low efficiency of transformers to be replaced with energy-efficient transformers.
Energy-efficient transformers cost compared to production costs
The transformers are inherently efficient machines. However, even slight losses add up to large amounts over that are attracted 24x7 throughout the year.
Energy-Compliant Transformers areable to keep them in the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) Class 1 efficiency even at 35% load. This is achieved by using high quality grain-oriented steel core. Increasing energy efficiency of a transformer allows the unit level of production to continue to use less energy.
Compatible with low power transformers, but more than its predecessor cost lower efficiency due to higher costs for grain oriented steel, more powerful, higher wages and moreRequired raw materials. While compatible processors for more investment because of higher acquisition costs, end users, including aluminum producer can save you thousands of dollars through a transformer to saving lives, reducing energy losses.
Furthermore, reduced energy losses in the industry to remain competitive by energy prices down. Energy efficiency transformers reduce the total cost of ownership and operating costs.
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